Spyware Terminator is a small memory footprint real time anti spyware scanner, it can be configured to do a quick, full or custom scan excluding trusted selected folders which will speed up the scan. You are likely to get lots of hits after the first scan as all Internet browser tracking cookies will be flagged as spyware, tracking cookies are not an extreme privacy concern like real malware that hijacks your computer, but they are better off erased. The software interface is clean and easy to use, with its main window showing only three tabs from where you can perform everything you need besides options configuration that is only used once in a while.
Scanner reports are stored for reference and easy to understand, threats are rated and classified, helping the user get an idea of what steps to take next, antispyware scanning can be scheduled, it is probably best to set it up once a week, this is a reasonable timeframe for a home user to get rid of tracking artefacts acquired during normal Internet browsing.

Free antispyware Spyware Terminator
Before uninstalling something SpywareTerminator will create a restore point, if you make a mistake by going to Tools>System Restore the system can be restored to what it was before, if you have doubts about a file already in your computer you can manually select it and force a hard scanner, if you come across a locked file that can not be erased SpywareTerminator lets you select it through the interface. A common trick used by spyware is to change file permissions to lock the file so that users can not erase them, permissions can be changed using Windows right-click but this is not easy to find for the average user.
During installation you will offered to install a toolbar called Web Security Guard Toolbar, similar to Web Of Trust, allowing users to rate websites and warning you of sites flagged by people as dangerous, this is a nice addition but can be easily rejected, the default is to install it, you will have to uncheck the box. The paid for version of Spyware Terminator can be integrated with F-Prot antivirus engine, has high priority updates and other tools like junk file scanner, start up fine tuning to speed up the boot up process and an Internet browser addon scanner, support is provided by phone and email.