Security Sanitizer: It will securely wipe your Internet browser cache, history, cookies, download&search list and saved passwords using the US DoD 5220 algorithm (3 passes) or a single pass overwriting.
Encrypted Communication: It encrypts text messages password protecting them, the receiver will need to have the same addon installed and know the password. And easy way for low security email communications.
Click&Clean: A one click Firefox browser addon to erase all temporary files, remove download files history, clean cookies, typed URLs, Flash Local Shared Objects and support for external erasers like Wise Cleaner and BleachBit.
Tamper Data: For advanced Internet users wanting to view and modify HTTP/HTTPS headers and post parameters. Very useful to monitor traffic and see what data is being sent and received through Firefox.
![TamperData Firefox addon TamperData Firefox addon](
TamperData Firefox addon
Ghostery: It reveals the companies that track you around the web when you visit a website and allows you to block the trackers giving the user ultimate control on what company cookies are blocked and which ones are allowed to prevail.
Certificate Patrol: Shows what digital certificates have recently been updated to help the user decide if the change is legitimate. Helpful to stop websites with fake digital certificates, the user should have knowledge on how digital certificates work.
BitDefender QuickScan: Online tool using cloud based antivirus services to quickly determine if a file is infected with malware, useful for a second antivirus opinion without having to install it in your computer.
Browser Protect: Anti-hijacking extension to protect your browser from home page changes and toolbars/search engine additions, protection level can be customized from high to low and URLs can be whitelisted.
Stealthy: Fast proxy finder to hide your computer IP, it can be useful to access services only available in the US (Slacker Radio, CWTV), access banned websites like Facebook or fake your geolocation.
LeetKey: It can encode plain text into L337, ROT13, BASE64, HEX, URL, BIN, DES, AES, Morse or DVORAK keyboard layout, it could be used to maintain private conversations on social networks or forums posting ciphered messages.
KeeFox: A companion addon for KeePass password manager, KeeFox will connect to the password manager database and automatically fill in forms and password fields, automatically adding new entries to KeePass.