There are many disposable email address (DEA) services but they are limited in time which means you have to get a new email every time you open an account and you have to use the webmail interface they provide you to retrieve email. NotSharingMyInfo will automatically send all email to your real email account and the forwarding address they give to you will not be deleted, you can reuse that very same address to recover passwords if necessary, a feature requiring the email you previously used for registration.
If you start to get spam you can cancel your NotSharingMyInfo email address asking for a cancellation email link to your real email address. The best feature of this privacy email address is that it is very quick to open an account with them, you are asked for zero details to sign up, just an email address where to forward the messages is necessary, a Chrome browser addon to create a disposable email address is available.
I would have preferred it if the email domain name was something neutral not disclosing on the URL that it is a forwarding cover address, another problem is that if you want to reply to a message you will have to fake the headers to make it look like it came from your NotSharingMyInfo alias. The service appears designed to protect your privacy rather than spam, to stop spam is best to use a disposable email address with a time limitation and not made permanent.
If you want an alternative to this disposable email address you can open an account with an email service that allows aliases, I am using GMX and Yahoo Mail and they both allow me to create an alias that can be disabled and forwards to my real inbox but they require registration.