Hacker 10 – Security Hacker

Security and encryption Apps for Android phone

PGP manager encryption Android

The Android operating system allows for great customization due to its open source nature. If you own a smartphone that runs Android you will want to take care of your personal privacy and security, smartphones can store lots of personal data, you should be using encryption and anonymous proxies on the Android as well as your desktop computer.

Free Android security applets for encryption

TextSecure (Free): All text messages sent or received with TextSecure are stored in an encrypted database on your phone, and text messages are encrypted during transmission.

APG (Free): OpenPGP for Android is open source, it helps you manage encryption keys (GPG/PGP) and encrypt/sign/decrypt emails/files.

OI Safe (Free): Store password securely using the AES encryption algorithm, encrypt OI Notepad notes and it support the premium Obscura picture safe to encrypt pictures on your Android smartphone.

CipherLog (Free): CipherLog™ is a simple journalling software that encrypts your entries, enabling you to store sensitive data on your device.

Password Safe Lite (Free): Keep your Android passwords and confidential info safe using 128bit AES.Encrypted information will be stored in a database on the phone and no information is kept online, the database can be backupby exporting it.

 B-Folders (Free): B-Folders is a secure fully encrypted database password-based 256-bit AES algorithm where to keep passwords, trade secrets and financial info. With its sync technology you can sync all your phones, desktop and laptop computers.

Keeper (Free): It allows you to securely store all your secret information such as logins, passwords and financial info using 128-bit AES encryption.

PGP manager encryption Android

Premium Android security for encryption

OpenPGP Manager (€/$): PGP & PBE encrypt & decrypt, sending encrypted email using the Android OS, creation of PGP keys, Symmetric encryption and decryption (password-based) with selectable algorithms.

MyStash (€/$): MyStash encrypts sensitive files you use on your Android device, this Android encryption applet secures your files using the TripleDES encryption algorithm. Photos and movies become viewable only by entering a pre-selected 4-digit pin.

Password Juggler (€/$): Android app to safely store all those hard to remember passwords for quick easy access. Password Juggler uses the 128 AES algorithm to securely store your passwords.

Android anonymous communications

Orbot (Free): Orbot allows mobile Android users to access the web, instant messaging and email without being monitored or blocked by their mobile internet service provider. Orbot integrates the tor proxy to the Android mobile operating system.

Android NewsGroup Downloader (€/$): Smartphone Usenet newsreader handling all type of newsgroup attachments, it supports posting of binaries and SSL encryption. You will need a newsgroup provider too.

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