RemoteRebootX is a portable application to remotely monitor a computer in real time, it can also be used to simultaneously shutdown, reboot, ping or Wake-on-LAN multiple computers, the best part is that it does not need to be installed in the remote computer, simply launch RemoteRebootX and add hosts. A task scheduler allows you to automatically execute actions without supervision, other useful options are retrieving the last boot time of a host, acquiring its MAC address and looking at the drive space information, all of the actions can be done using the interface or right clicking on the computer IP.
On restricted computers you will be asked to login first before executing any command, using the padlock icon, it will also ask you for the computer Workgroup. This tool can be used by system administrators in conjunction with BatchPatch, a paid for application, to install updates on multiple servers and reboot them simultaneously.

Computer management RemoteRebootX
RemoteRebootX interface is not as pretty as that of EMCO Wake-on-LAN, another tool to remotely control a computer over the Internet or inside a network, but it has higher capabilities, allowing you to reboot and shutdown computers, which EMCO Wake-on-LAN can’t do, and it can be carried on a USB thumbdrive.