Cipher Image let’s you hide plain text inside photos, a process known as steganography, it can hide messages of up to 64Kb in size, quite a few pages of information, the text has to be typed into the program, Cipher Image can not hide attached files. The data is hidden by replacing image pixels that are similar to each other making it unnoticeable to the human eye, the messages are encrypted using 128-bit, there is no mention of the algorithm used for this, images can be saved in 7 different file formats (jpeg, Gif, Tiff, Paintbrush, Windows Bitmap and OS/2 Bitmap), the included password generator can produce a random pass, it is not configurable and I did not find it useful as it will be impossible to remember whichever pass it produces, there is the option of saving the password in a .txt file but I would not advise it if the data is important.
You will get tooltips with instructions when you hoover your mouse over the buttons, make sure to read them as the interface is not very intuitive it is easy to get lost, I would classify this tool as an adequate steganography program for low security stuff, mainly because it is not open source, the developers are not well known and the password generator is quite lousy, my only concern was encryption about which there is little information other than to say it uses 128bit, but people really won’t be able to spot any hidden text and that is what steganography is about, ideal to deliver secret messages using your Flickr or Picasa account, if you haven’t got any security agency going after you this program will get the covert communications job done.