Seecrypt is a Voice over IP app to secure voice calls and text messages with end to end encryption using AES256 and the RC4 stream cipher, available for Android and iPhone with Blackberry and Windows phone versions coming soon. Data is encrypted in the device before transmission using a unique encryption key for each session, there is no central Public Key Infrastructure, messages are broadcast in real time just like WhatsApp but encrypted, the app can operate over 2G/3G/4G or Wifi networks, it only needs an Internet connection and you can not use it to dial emergency numbers. Voice compression reduces data consumption and with it your mobile phone company data charges, you do not have to pay for calls, but you have to pay $3/month to SeeCrypt and only calls to other SeeCrypt users are possible.
After signing up you will be given a trial period and asked for your email address to register the application once it expires. SeeCrypt main screen shows you sections with your profile, contacts, messages, dialpad and help. The app does not allow multicalls, only two users can talk at the same time, you can easily send your friends a link to SeeCrypt if they don’t have it installed yet, technical requirements to operate the app are minimum.
SeeCrypt is funded by a Dubai based investment firm called Porton Group, I was concerned about their privacy policy when I read on their press release that “Seecrypt will pro-actively assist law enforcement agencies to prevent criminal activity being carried out using this encryption service.“, this is not very convenient for those who don’t trust their government, and adding to that one of SeeCrypt’s advisor is Anthony Chapa, who used to work for the U.S. Secret Service, was quoted on a press release saying that “There are techniques that law enforcement and intelligence organizations have available, and with the help of Seecrypt would not impede their mission.”
I could not see the word backdoor written anywhere but I it was not mentioned that it did not have one either, and for that and because of their bizarre press release, I would stay out of this application.
john smith
Wont stay connected with the galaxy 2 note