Capture The Flag CTF365 is a realistic cyberwar game built for hackers, system administrators, security specialists, programmers and anyone with an interest in computer security
After signing up for the game you will be named a Combatant and asked to join the country you wish to fight for, each country can have many teams comprised of in between a minimum of five hackers and no more than ten. Teams can ally with each other to defend and attack a Fortress, members of the hacking team will have to safeguard their server while being on the offensive, when a user breaches another team Fortress the points go to the whole team. There will be a Hall of Fame with prizes for the most skilled hackers.
In this Capture The Flag contest the team’s server will run all major Internet services like SMTP, IMAP, FTP, one Content Management System with plugins for social media, embedded video and others, two different Internet browsers, three web applications and two different databases, part of your job will be to secure all of them.

Hacking game Capture The Flag CTF365
The game first campaign will mimic a National Agency network where you can play offensive security attacking their servers, as part of the attack strategy, you can DDoS another players virtual servers if you wish so, just like in real life. There is a CTF365 IRC server accessible from within the game, you can use it to find other players and start building your team or join others. There are only two rules, one, do not use the infrastructure to carry out real hacking attacks against non players, and rule two is do not launch a distributed denial of service against the game servers, if you break any of those rules your account might be terminated.
Capture The Flag is a superb way to get real hands on experience for penetration testers and sys admins defending their network, anyone with interest in computer security will benefit of this game emulating real life hacking scenarios, the aim is to have hundreds of targets in virtual machines that can be attacked at any time and for Capture The Flag to last a full year, there are future plans to offer Infosec companies the possibility to set up their own CTF contest to train students.